

The AudioAnalgesiA Research Network is generating a research process and conceptual framework to guide the development of pilot projects.

The network plans to publish two papers in the first year of funding.

The first publication will focus on developing a conceptual framework linking psychosocial processes and pain biomarkers of music’s influence on the pain experience.

The second publication centers on the development and testing of novel technologies and methods to measure the response more objectively to MBIs in chronic pain conditions.

Pilot Studies

AudioAnalgesiA will award small-scale pilot project funding focused on mechanisms and innovative measurement involving integrative models to address pain through music. The number of pilot studies funded anually will depend upon the funds requested and available. Pilot funding opportunities will begin in late 2024 and early 2025.

As pilot studies are funded, project summaries and (if appropriate) invormation/URL links will be included here.


As the Core Investigative Team convenes throughout Year 1 of the project, we will review the NIH Reporter and to find studies related to the aims of the network. Datasets, papers, and related events will be disseminated here.